Booking online is the most convenient and safest way to book. A credit card is required to book so in order to protect your information its best to enter it in yourself right online. Also a consent form needs to be filled out prior to arriving to your appointment.
We just ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Anything cancels/reschedules with less than 24 hours notice are subject to a 50% charge of services booked to card on file.
Life happens. We’ll try our very best to still accommodate your appointment whenever possible. Please note the price does not change so we can only accommodate you if there is still enough tIme to give you a quality service worth paying for. If there is not enough time we will have to reschedule and a late cancel charge is applicable.
To keep it simple, it makes you shaky and makes it hard for us to properly and safely apply extensions. It’s okay if you’re tired you can sleep while we work.
We’d rather spend as much time as possible doing your lashes instead of cleaning them. Mascara can be hard to take completely off sometimes so spending a day or two without it will help make sure your lashes are as clean as possible.
Lashes takes time. I know none of like it but we don’t want to give you a rush job so to make sure your lashes look as fabulous as possible please make sure you can be available for the entire duration of the service. Full sets can take up to 2.5 hours and refills can take up to 90 min.
You paid for them so you should love them. If not, please tell us! As long as you tell us with in 3 days of your last service we will fix them no questions asked. If we can‘t get you back in with in a reasonable time we will offer the best possible reasonable solution, except a refund. Sorry we already spend the money. Haha just kidding but seriously we unfortunately cannot offer refunds.
Sorry but just for safety guest aren’t allowed. Also there’s nowhere for them to sit. If you HAVE to bring someone there is a bench outside our suite where they can wait but this is a long service, don't make them wait for you that long. haha